Well so far this week has been tough! but I think I'm gona make it all right.
Today we both managed to get home early enough with plenty of daylight left for a road ride; it sure was fantastic to get out there instead of being stuck on the trainer again. My sore leg seemed pretty good and I did not really have that over trained feeling in fact I felt Awesome ! our ride lasted 1:10 and we managed to get 31km out of that but it was actually 5 min. short but I was haulin butt because I had to go pee so bad and just wanted to get home!
Wednesdays run went well as I decided to back off a bit because of my leg, yes a wise thing to do and I was happy with the effort I gave; we did about 8.5km 45 min run with 8x30 sec. sprints and I'm starting to like doing these, huh? I must be loosin it or what! ha ha. It was really cool as we did our run at around 6:00pm with the lunar eclipse well under way for us to view as we ran.
Along the way something I realized and was reminded of as I was watching the moon, is that there are powerfull foreces at work in the universe and that I can't controll them all and I have to step back once in awhile let things happen the way they are supossed to, also that I am so fortunate to be able to do what I am in this short space and time and must not take it for granted.
Not sure where that came from totaly but thats how I felt on that run.
Well best get off to bed now I can hear Gary in my head" oh Ivan your sleep is so important when your training" yes your right Gar! he he and besides we have an early morning swim at 6:00 am. I'll post again on Sunday which marks the end of week three.
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