Sunday, March 23, 2008

Base phase week 7 "spring arrives"

At the beginning of this week I came down with a cold/virus that is still with me today, despite that fact I persevered through all aspects of training this week, sometimes a little winded at others just no go go.
On Wednesdays track workout I managed to complete my 13 repeats of 30 sec. hard with two min active recovery and for myself this was a stellar performance, everything just felt right. I was fairly tired for the swim latter that evening but was still beaming about my track session but still finished the swim feeling OK. We seem to keep getting dry roads for our bike and run work which is just fine by me, Tammy says there is always an umbrella over us..or maybe it's just plain luck.. he he.

We both had Friday off from work so we didn't have to do the dreaded 6:00 am swim.. yea!, our pool was closed here so we got to head up to Nanaimo to do our workout of 1700m , mostly drills and a new fartlek 1000m total broken up into 200m of 50 easy 50 hard 20 sec rest after every 200m , and this actually went better than I thought it would, I figured with this cold that I have it would leave me gasping for air but it did!

Saturdays ride was a great first spring ride we stopped off at one of our favorite spots, ( Jack point ) great on the weekends, a definite no no on week days too many big trucks; I think we had a tail wind up to this time and after that we had some light head wind and a bit of cross wind so I did get blown around a bit and we still managed to pull of 2:28 pace over 61km at a steady pace on tired legs from the extra workload this week.

Today we started with a 10:00 am run which lasted for about 1:10 min, I think we both kind of over dressed for it and I was a little hot at the end . The start was a little tough as I struggled with some pain in the front of my calf and ankle...the blood just wasn't flowing yet but by the time I hit the 3 km mark it seemed to dissipate, whew ! that one hurts allot! ; I covered about 11.80 km at 5:53 not the fastest but it was non stop and this is where I am noticing that my endurance is slowly building a little bit at a time; it is so exciting to see these small improvements. My swim today was the longest to date of 2400m this was another endurance one with a 300m warm up/cool down; I was some what concerned having this cold but I settled right into a groove and finished the workout in a not to shabby time of 57 min.

So this concludes week 7 and next week is recovery! this will be a treat before the big start of the build phase week 9, until next week that's all for now and I do hope to shake this bug!

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